We offer general career development, recruitment advice, and insights for employees and employers alike. More specifically, we offer a wide range of learning material, courses, and certifications that will tangibly improve your performance, make you stand out in the job market, and elevate your career.
You can learn via multiple platforms, and the courses are designed for easy consumption. We also work with a wide range of training partners to ensure we cover a wide variety of soft and hard skills.
As an employer, you can also utilise these training services to upskill your teams, drive retention and improve their contribution to your business. Reach out to us, and we will put together a plan to get you started.
Access over 1.1 million qualified job-seeker profiles, streamlining your path to the perfect hire.
Utilise our precise assessment tools to discover candidates with the right skills and the perfect fit for the job.
Get pre-screened and qualified candidates shortlisted by our HR experts to track recruitment process.
Gain access to thousands of top employers in Kenya looking for talents like you.
Stay ahead of the competition with personalised job alerts that ensure you never miss an opportunity tailored to you.
Capture recruiters' attention with our expert profile and CV review services.
Our Digital Advertising Service will help you engage that hard-to-reach target audience-through our extensive database and beyond-and deliver the proper awareness, message, and leads your business needs.
We offer customised campaigns that can solve various needs across employer branding, quality candidate applications, talent database pipelining and contextual lead generation.
You can choose from various channels, including email, social media ads, website ads, webinars, and even third-party paid ads. Whatever channel you choose, we ensure you get maximum ROI, as we have done for many clients.
We have extensive experience in human resources outsourcing, corporate & graduate training, industry and company research, niche & executive recruitment, HR advisory, and HR-themed events.
Our HR experts can design and deliver solutions that meet your needs and support implementation to ensure customer satisfaction.
All you have to do is contact us and book a consultative call, and we will gather all the information required to help you deliver the results your business needs.
To be Kenya’s most user-centric and transparent career platform; where we connect the right candidates with the right opportunities.
To be the leading source of talent in our markets by providing a platform through which Job search and talent acquisition is simplified.
We consider ourselves PACE setters and thus our core values are; Performance, Accountability, Continuous Learning and Excellence.
Employ Right Global interacts with over 40,000 Employers on its online platform and places over 1600 talent in various roles on a monthly basis. With a seeker audience of over 800,000 candidates.
Employ Right Global is currently the leading recruitment portal.
You can trust us for all your recruitment needs. We are there for our users, every step of the way.